Version: 1.0

Date: Published: May 2, 2020


The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) mobile application for Supply Chain Analytics (SCAn) gathers incidence data and field reports from the ground related to supply chain disruptions experienced during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. 

Personal information and access to the mobile device:

1.      First and Last Name is collected upon registration and may be used to contact the data subject for clarification, verification, and/or validation of the incident report.

2.      Sex is collected upon registration and used to analyze incidents related to promoting the economic participation of women.

3.      Mobile Number is collected upon registration, may be used to contact the data subject for clarification, verification, and validation of the incident report, and sending of One-Time Password (OTP).

4.      Mobile Device ID is collected upon registration and used for <justification or reason>.

5.      Location Services and Geo-Location is accessed and captured respectively only during incident reporting and used to analyze incidents

6.      Photo, Video, Camera, and Storage is captured and/or accessed when the data subject submits evidence to support the incident report


The incident reports collected by the IATF-SCAn mobile application are processed and inputted to the IATF-SCAn dashboard. The IATF-SCAn dashboard uses different types of analysis and visualization such as descriptive, trend, heat map, etc. which aims to assist the IATF and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) in decision-making, formulation of policies, actions or measures, and monitor the progress of interventions. 

Processing of personal information is done under the Republic Act 11469 or the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act, Section 3 (g) Partner with the private sector and other stakeholders to deliver measures and programs quickly and efficiently; Section 4 (p) Ensure the availability of essential goods, in particular food and medicine, by adopting measures as may reasonably be necessary to facilitate and/or minimize disruption to the supply chain, especially for basic commodities and services to the maximum extent possible; and with accordance to the Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Disclosure and Sharing

The IATF-SCAn system (mobile application and dashboard) is developed by the University of the Philippines Public Administration Research and Extension Services Foundation, Inc. – Regulatory Reform Support Program for National Development (UPPAF-RESPOND) as technical assistance to the Regional Development Group of the NEDA to support the IATF’s efforts in minimizing disruption to the supply chain, and in promoting the economic participation of women during the COVID-19 pandemic. The UPPAF-RESPOND is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Personal information is controlled by the UPPAF-RESPOND until the Philippine Government assigns system ownership to one of its Agencies. Anonymized data will be available through the IATF-SCAn dashboard. Authorized members of the IATF, relevant Government Agency, and Supply Chain Trade Organizations will have access to the IATF-SCAn dashboard.

Storage, Retention, and Destruction or Disposal

Personal information collected will be stored in < insert cloud service provider or if DICT NGDC> and retained as long as it is necessary to carry out the purposes stated above or as required by law. After this, all personal information collected will be anonymized and kept for research purposes and reference for policy development.


We have taken steps to minimize or prevent unauthorized processing/access/disclosure and improper disposal of personal information, and access due to negligence. We have implemented appropriate physical, technical, and organizational security measures such as access restrictions, OTP, encryption, security technologies, vulnerability assessments, secure destruction or disposal of personal information, etc. to protect and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal information.


Data subjects have the right to request access to their personal information that the system holds. If personal information is found incorrect, incomplete, or irrelevant, data subjects have the right to request correction and/or destruction of their personal information. Destruction of personal information is achieved through data anonymization. Data subjects may object to the processing of their personal information by refraining from using the IATF-SCAn mobile application. Data Privacy requests, concerns, and complaints may be sent to  [email protected].